I just want to thank (and apologize) to all of you for having an interest in what I have to say. I hope I was able to entertain, inform, and maybe inspire (though that's probably a longhshot). Writing this blog was an adventure for me as well. I was able to express thoughts I might not have the opportunity to say outloud and reflect on ideas that might only get a passing glance, which deepened my appriciation for my experience. You maybe saying, "why is he wrapping this up now, where are all the other posts he promised?" Fret not dear readers, I have ten hours in a flying metal tube with just my computer and my thoughts; the posts will come.
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I don't know what to say about leaving, or the whole of this experience, other than it was great. I'll miss Rome and what it holds, but what Rome has given me is so much more. I can't put it into words, but I know my person has changed so the world will never be the same. I travelled to Spain, Belgium, Poland, and Morocco, not to mention resided in Rome for four months, learned to speak another language, and learned how to live another life. These experiences will be with me forver, whether I can recall them at given moment or not. I left the sheltered bubble of the United States (not something a lot of people get to do) and did so in a way where I was able, and sometimes forced, to leave American tendencies behind. Such an experience is invaluable, and I can't seem to express what an oppurtunity this was. Although my semester abroad will come to an end when I step on that plane in 19 hours, I know is that life is just beginning...
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