12 January 2012

Just another post

The posts are probably going to start slowing down.  I don't know how many times I can say "Italiaidea was good today," when I have it for three hours every day, and I don't know how many times you want to read it.  But I will keep you up to date with the cool happenings in other parts of my life.

Today I went to the post office to complete my Permesso di Soggiorno (ya know so I don't get deported).  They did teh whole "take a number thing," but there were 4 different types of numbers.  I eventually chose ticket E, waited 30-40 minutes for my number to be called, then found out I needed ticket P.  So i took ticket P.  The friend I was meeting finally showed up, but was then 50 numbers behind me.  With 5 numbers to go for me and 55 to go for her, she found out a copy of her passport wouldn't do, she needed the original.  She had half an hour to go for her number, so I told her she had time to go get it.  I finished my Permesso, but her number was coming closer and closer and she wasn't there.  I took another ticket just in case she didn't make it, and she didn't.  She waited for about 20 minutes with her new number, completed her Permesso, flirted with three post office employees, and then we were off.

We ate out are new "usual" hangout, Bar delle Vite.  Like me, she is a different person when hungry and needs to be fed to keep the happy side out.  Fancy that.

Then Italiaidea.  It was fun.  Moving on.

Current struggle is to find a coat, boots, and a bag.  In that order.  Is it wrong to buy Levi's boots in Italy?  I like the style, like the price, and everything is at least 50 Euro more.  Coats are a different story, they're all at least 150 Euro ($175) and that's on sale.  No joy on finding a bag I like yet.  But I'll keep you updated.  Don't you wish you had the fake world problems of a student in Rome?

Dinner was gnocchi and beef.  Va bene.  Though the wine was a bit to dry for me tonight. 

Tomorrow I have lunch with Italiaidea, then Italiaidea, and dinner with the program.  I probably won't update until Sunday. 


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