Even just the food could keep me here. It is really that good, but we'll get to that in a second.
So I told you guys that I was sick, right? Well I had the flu for a week, then a cough forever, and it still was not getting better. So Maria Luisa called the school and made a doctor's appointment for me. It was going to be 100 euro just to see him, but I needed to get better. He was an American doctor, his office wasn't the easiest to find and i was weezeing like a fat kid on the kickball field by the time I made it up to his office.
I just realized I told you this story, moving on.
Italiaidea was awesome again. I' sloooowly getting over the fact I am not in the class I want to be in, nor I think I should be in, but I am making the best of it (being the smartest kid in the class has its perks) and I can already see improvement in my Italian.
Back to the food, but first a quick sentence in Italian because it's worth the translation for you. No offesa a mia papa, ma il cibo italiano ha cucinato di Maria Luisa e' il cibo migliore abbia mia mangiato. Tonight she made soup, because I'm sick, with tiny meat ravioli topped with parmigiano (I literally could not remember how to spell that in English so I had to write it in Italian. I promise I wasn't being pretentious) Then chicken with spinach cooked in cheese and bruschetta. I am eating so much better than the students in the dorms and even the rest of the homestays. I kind of feel bad about it, but I'm too busy trying to digest that feast.
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