09 January 2012

Mia Prima Notta con Maria Luisa

Waiting for our host familes was a very anxious experience for everyone.  Some said it felt like adoption day and were nervous if their families would like them, or what if the dad was mean and didn't like them.  I said it was like the claw from Toy Story.  "The claw chooses who stays and who goes."  I was in the last group of 15 to go, so the anxiety had time to build, but oh was the meeting interesting.  She is the littlest nugget (remember Italian Betty White), and she has so much energy.  She yelled "Ciao!" and grabbed my head and pulled me down for the traditional Italian greeting of two kisses on the cheek.  I introduced myself as Giuseppe and I met her son in law Gaetanno who drove with her to pick me up. 

Gaetanno speaks English and was able to help me find Italian words I couldn't find to speak to Maria Luisa or translate large chunks I couldn't explain.  He commented on how much stuff I had (two duffle bags, a backpack, and camera bag), and how small their car is.  We're talking tiny.  Maybe jsut bigger than a smart car, but a lot older.  Maria Luisa told me to sit up front because I'm taller, and we were on our way.

Conversation in the car was challenging.  I was nervous and I was blanking on vocabulary, but we were able to talk about my first few days, when I arrived, what I liked, and Gaetanno helped the conversation along.  He and Maria Luisa would speak to me in Italian and would respond as best I could, but if I didn't understand, Gaetanno would explain in English and I would respond in Italian.

When we arrived at home, I moved in to my house on the fourth floor, the doors are very tiny but my room is spectacular.  I have antique and ornate furniture, a queen sized bed, marble floors, a table, and my own bathroom.  Living la dolce vita.  After I unpacked we all went downstairs to Gaetanno's house (he lives on the floor below with Maria Luisa's daughter Manuela) and chatted and ate finger food.  I was surpirsed at how well my Italian was, though aided by Gaetanno, we were able to talk about sports, the food I like, and my brother.  Gaetanno and Manuela were going out with friends that night, so two more couples arrived but the conversation switched to English.

Typically Gaetanno and Manuela join Maria Luisa for dinner, but since they had plans it was just me and Maria Luisa.  First course was pasta with a light sauce and focaccia bread (try to find it in America, its the best bread ever), second was a lightly friend chicken cutlet with egg and cream sauce and salad, all served with red wine.  I was finally starting to hit my stride in Italian and we were able to cover a wide range of topics from my parents, to university, my travels, what I like about Rome, and I was able to ask her about the appropriate time to use bene and when to use buona.

I have my own bathroom and asked where and when I would do my laundry, and she told me there is a woman who comes in on Wednesdays to do it, and I just have to leave my clothes in the bag.

Sleeping was tough just because I had been up so late the night before, but eventually I fell asleep and was woken up by the sun rising in my window.  Breakfast was corn flakes and mandarin oranges (they LOVE mandarin oranges) with caffe (espresso).  She bought me my own espresso maker; its light purple...

Ciao for now.

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